Kathryn Harris
B.S. Biochemistry, Minor in French and Francophone Studies

International Coursework
My minor in French and Francophone studies allowed me to explore the French culture and language alongside my science-based courses. The classes listed below were particularly illuminating.

French Grammar
and Composition
The objectives of this course were to systematically improve our grasp of French grammar through literature analysis and original compositions. Analyzed texts included popular French songs, articles, and the short stories of Cyrille Fleischman.
French Composition
and Stylistics
This course was a deep dive into the many forms of literary texts, including descriptions, narrations, argumentative essays, oral debates, and dissertations. Analyses of selected texts served as preparation for writing original pieces.

French in the City:
Interaction and Variation
As one of two of the courses under the UF in Paris program, French in the City focused on the rich sociolinguistic variety that characterizes the French capital. Observations of non-formal written and spoken French illuminated that the language is far from monolithic. The course concluded with a multimodal project summarizing experiences in Paris.
French Art and Contemporary Culture
As the second of the two courses under the UF in Paris program, French Art and Contemporary Culture took advantage of the cosmopolitan setting to explore the art movements that buoyed the development of the Western artistic canon. Activities included museum visits, outdoor walks to observe architecture, and traditional lectures. The course concluded with a presentation on a favorite artwork--mine being « La danseuse Sacha-Lyo » by Serge Youriévitch.